Women Entrepreneurs in India: Emerging Issues and Challenges


Babita Saini


Women are the powerful creation of god as it has the power to beautify the world of men.  Women have always been the major contributor of human capita since the creation of this universe. Earlier, they were confined to household activities, but time is changing very fast. In the Changed scenario, awareness has motivated women to start their own enterprises and contribute to the family income.Due to awakening and desire for economic independence among women all over the world, including India, a large number of women entrepreneurs is appearing on the map of entrepreneurship. And these days there is no dearth of assistance too for them from the government and the non government organizations who are willing to encourage women to be self-employed and succeed,by offering training programmes, consultancy services and guidance.

Women Entrepreneurs demonstrates the promise and power of entrepreneurship when it comes to expanding the array of opportunities available to women, their families, and their communities. It shows, above all, that obstacles can be overcome and goals met, even under the most inauspicious of circumstances. Womenentrepreneurship is gaining importance in India in the wake of economic liberalization and globalization. However, entrepreneurship development and skill training is not the only responsibility of Government and therefore other stakeholders need to shoulder the responsibility. Women-owned businesses enterprises are playing a more active role in society and the economy, inspiring academics to focus on this interesting phenomenon. This paper focuses on the problems, issues, challenges faced by women entrepreneurs, how to overcome them and status of women entrepreneur in India.



How to Cite
Saini, B. (2014). Women Entrepreneurs in India: Emerging Issues and Challenges. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(2). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/127613