Strategic Management of International Students¬¬¬ Theory Implications: Did active Perspective


Emmanuel Luke Balami
Che An Abdul Ghani
A. A Malgwi


The internationalization and liberalization of higher education has caused many countries and higher education institutions to employ aggressive strategies to attract international students to choose their countries as study destination. There are three reasons noted for this move which are revenue drive, global ranking and developing/improving their knowledge economy. However, little is done for the retention of these students in both management practice and especially the application of theory. This study draws upon the Social Contact Theory that focuses on the role Host Country Nationals play in facilitating the cross-cultural adjustment of international students. It is expected that through the instrumentality of this theory, the international student adjustment issues will be reduced. It therefore recommended for more research in this direction and that both government and educational institution policy makers will make use of this as a policy tool.


How to Cite
Balami, E. L., Ghani, C. A. A., & Malgwi, A. A. (2018). Strategic Management of International Students¬¬¬ Theory Implications: Did active Perspective. The International Journal of Business & Management, 6(2). Retrieved from