A Study on "Employee Branding in Hr Perspective” with Reference to Tata Communications, Chennai


Kerolina A.
S. Pougajendy


The study has been taken on the topic "A Study on "Employee Branding in Hr Perspective” with reference to Tata Communications, Chennai” to know the level of image in the minds of the employees in the organization, which helps the employers to know how employees perceive their organization.

The primary objective of the study is to find out how the employees think about their organization. By this study the employers can get the views of the employees and can know where they are lacking which makes their employees dissatisfied. The research design that is used in this project is descriptive research design. The sampling method was convenient sampling. For the project the sample size was 82. The structured questionnaire was used to collect the data. The survey period was three months. The structured question consists of open ended, closed ended and multiple choice question.

The data collected through questionnaire was processed by editing; processing, classifying, tabulating and inference were drawn out of it. To analyse the obtained data various statistical tools like chi square test, kolmogorov smirnov test, were used.

From the study it is found that the employees are satisfied with the various activities of the employer and the image of the organization in there minds also high. They feel glad to be a part of the Tata group.


How to Cite
A., K., & Pougajendy, S. (2015). A Study on "Employee Branding in Hr Perspective” with Reference to Tata Communications, Chennai. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(8). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/137834