Indian Global Brands - A Farfetched Dream: An Empirical Analysis


Anisa Jan
Mohammad Furqan Khan


David Ogilvy had famously said, "Anyone can make a product, but it takes patience, perseverance, vision and genius to create a brand.” And when it's a global brand it takes a lot more than that. The Interbrand's list of top global brands is populated with the usual suspects from the US, Europe and Japan, but not surprisingly, there are also brands from South Korea and Mexico. Where are Indian brands in the global arena? Are they busy with defending their brands in local markets? Do they see Europe and USA as market or they are confused with their target markets? Are Indian companies happy with doing backend jobs for foreign companies?  Have we lost appetite for fame and recognition? In India we have organizations like Tata , Reliance, Airtel who  have built very strong Indian brands in the domestic markets, but can't   they  create a single strong  global brand? Can't we find an Indian jugaad (ingenuity) to build global brands like Samsung and Hyundai? These questions arise when we don't see any Indian brand appearing in the list of top hundred brands, even in 2013 interbrand's ranking. India being the one of the fastest growing economies has still insignificant share in the global market. Indian companies have the abundance of skilled human resource to accomplish this mission. Then what are we waiting for -government subsidies.  These global brands have given Indian corporate leaders a lot of night mares and it's their turn now. Indian corporate house should change their strategies from only defending their product in India to challenging Global brands in their countries of origin.

Therefore the present study aims to examine the position of Indian brands in the international market. Specifically the study will

  • Analyze the opportunities that Indian companies have to create strong global brands.
  • Understand the challenges faced by Indian brands in establishing themselves in international markets.
  • And suggest strategies to these companies to overcome the challenges faced by them.
The study will adopt an exploratory research methodology followed by a descriptive research to establish the findings of exploratory part. The exploratory research will be conducted with the help of existing literature, expert opinion and case studies. The findings from the exploratory part of the research will be put to test with the help of descriptive research methodology using a structured questionnaire and statistical analysis of the responses.


How to Cite
Jan, A., & Khan, M. F. (2014). Indian Global Brands - A Farfetched Dream: An Empirical Analysis. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(11). Retrieved from