Social Media Is Nothing But a Public Relation Tool


Anisa Jan
Mohammad Furqan Khan


Is social media a new element in the marketing communication process or it's nothing but an innovative media for communication? Does social media only plays a role of enhancing the marketing communication mix? Can social media be used in the same way as traditional communication tools? Or Is social media is taking over the traditional marketing communication mix. In order to find answers to these questions, we will revisit the marketing communication mix and will try to find our answers through the content analysis of the definitions of each element of the communication mix. We will find out if Social media fits in any of the five elements of the marketing communication mix. Based on our analysis we will formulate a theory at the end of our research paper.


How to Cite
Jan, A., & Khan, M. F. (2014). Social Media Is Nothing But a Public Relation Tool. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(12). Retrieved from