An Analysis of HRD Mechanisms in Teachers of Higher Education Institutions of Madhya Pradesh


Usha Tiwari


HRD climate contributes to the development of over health and self-renewing capabilities of the organization. HRD mechanisms are the methods initiated to develop employee competencies. These considered as instrument facilitate change. Human resource development mechanisms training, performance appraisal and feedback, potential appraisal, career planning, rewards and employee welfare are fundaments for employee performance.

The present study is undertaken with a view, to assess HRD mechanisms among teachers of higher education institutions. The result indicates the overall HRD mechanism of higher education institutions is good. The study have shown that elements like training, feed back, job rotation, and counseling have fairly good score; performance and potential appraisal and career planning contributing good score, while welfare for quality of work life presented average score.


How to Cite
Tiwari, U. (2014). An Analysis of HRD Mechanisms in Teachers of Higher Education Institutions of Madhya Pradesh. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(10). Retrieved from