Human Resource Development Climate Dimensions in Higher Education Institutions of Madhya Pradesh


Usha Tiwari


Human Resource Development (HRD) is significance in the success of any organization. It aims at developing all the employees of an organization in a planned manner not only to acquire and apply their existing capabilities, but also their inner potentials and helps in building a climate with strong interpersonal bonds which helps the organization achieve its goals. HRD is a continuous process to ensure the development of employee competencies, dynamism, motivation and effectiveness in a systematic and planned way. It involves the creation of climate where human knowledge, skill, capabilities and creativity can bloom. It involves the use of process through which the employees of the organization are prepared to give their best for the achievement of corporate objectives and bring optimal effectiveness in their job as well. Alphonsa (1998) divided HRD climate into 7 different dimensions as : Top management belief in HRD, Superior and subordinate relationship, Personnel Policies, Team Spirit, Employees development, Training, Employees initiative and management encouragement. The present study has been undertaken to assess the HRD climate dimensions among teachers of higher education institutions of Madhya Pradesh. Results indicate the overall score of HRD climate among teachers of Higher Education Institutions appears good score. On dimension basis it has been seen that the top management's belief in HRD, superior subordinate relationship, employee development are scored fairly good while personal policies, training team spirit and employee initiatives & management encouragement good score. There is variations exist on the values of dimensions in different group of teachers.


How to Cite
Tiwari, U. (2014). Human Resource Development Climate Dimensions in Higher Education Institutions of Madhya Pradesh. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(10). Retrieved from