A Pilot Study on the Success Factors for Small and Medium Accommodation Enterprises in Malaysia: An Exploratory Factor Analysis Approach


Melissa Liow Li Sa
Yeow Kim Chai


This paper explained the success factors of small and medium accommodation enterprises in Malaysia as the study of this nature had seen little attempt by scholars in the past.A pilot test was performed and a questionnaire survey was carried out from April to mid July 2015. The pilot study focused on five states namely Johor, Selangor, Penang, Pahang, and Sabah which were considered to be highly representative of each tourism region in Malaysia due to the higher number of hotel guests than other areas.Responses from a sample of 113 respondents were then analysed using the exploratory factor analysis on the BECK and performance constructs. After several rotations, 44 items with factor loadings above .6 were considered suitable for further analyses.


How to Cite
Sa, M. L. L., & Chai, Y. K. (2016). A Pilot Study on the Success Factors for Small and Medium Accommodation Enterprises in Malaysia: An Exploratory Factor Analysis Approach. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(2). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/126186